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November 6, 2019
Emotional Thoughts that a family have during the Wedding

We all are aware of the fact, which is a proven reality, experienced by almost everyone that marriages are the compilation of diverse feelings. These feelings vary from person to person, which is directly related to the social standard of that person. These feelings make-up the wedding, these further constitute to be an essential part of the wedding and are experienced by the organizer at different stages of the wedding. These includes thoughts a family have during the wedding which start with booking a venue, shopping for every occasion, buying gifts for the relatives, food tasting to find a good caterer and finalizing different small and big tasks to mark them green in the checklist prepared for the task to do for the wedding day, to make the wedding the most exquisite event.

Wedding of a family member is equivalent to a season because it is the collection of responsibilities and duties, which is both exciting and stressing. Let us be frank and straight forward at the same time, nothing is fun if isn’t demanding and stressing. These are the innate aspects of every responsibilities and comes with it. It is the responsibility that pave way for practical sense to trespass the emotional thoughts, which confine a person to the limitation.The practical sense further helps in making progress and development for make the wedding arrangement easier.

One fact, which cannot be ignored which unbiasedly states that a marriage is the spectrum of emotional thoughts relating from wedding planners in Delhi or booking banquets in GT Karnal road. The emotional thoughts which pave way for the practical sense as mentioned above are: –

New home, new responsibilities and a new role:

the first though that hits the bride to be is about living in a different home. She is constantly flooded by the fact that she will be leaving her home, her bed, her bathroom and every item that belonged to her. The next is concerned with the burden of responsibilities and living with a different person (even people with love marriage experience this). All these feelings and thoughts are beyond the excitement of getting married to the person you love. Being intimidated by such thoughts is quite natural and can send chills down the spine of anyone.  Here the bride to be concerned about her new role post her marriage. The mother of the bride tries to console the bride to be, who is overpowered by thoughts of insecurity and anxiety.

These are the mini freak-out moments, and the bride stops and think to her, “Am I ready to get married? Am I crazy? There’s no way I can be everything my husband will need me to be.” And then her mother reminds her of the grace of God. She is marrying the love of her life. The blessings God has showered upon her and will continue to shower daily, to be strong. Her mother further comforts by saying us God will give you whatever you require to become a wife who respects her husband, cooks what he likes, and keeps up with laundry and other responsibilities of married women.Her mother becomes her confidant in the moment of anxiety, guilt and extreme nervousness. These emotional are meant to dealt with love, care and positivity. Being positive always help irrespective of the situation.

Daddy’s princess:

the father is one person in the house who does not believe expressing himself. He is the one person who is fully occupied in the wedding from day the marriage is fixed. The wedding planning begins with looking for a suitable venue. For this purpose, he starts looking pictures of different venues, for ex; mallu gallery. The father and the mother attend several weddings before short listing one. The process of selecting the wedding venue starts approximately six to eight months before the marriage.

Wedding in farmhouses is a common sight these days, mostly people hire farmhouse and sometimes buy farmhouses in Delhi for organizing a wedding. The father silently listens to everyone’s demands without expressing his own, as it a duty he has willfully taken. Many emotions go unspoken here.What if it rains on the wedding day? What will happen to my princess, what will the reactions of the relatives, will she not wear the ‘lehenga’ she bought with great excitement. And, what will be the reaction of my future son-in-law and his parents.  what will happen to the decoration and every preparation?

Siblings reaction: 

the siblings are most attached to the bride. As soon as the wedding approaches, they start preparing dances for the wedding. Apart from this, they are occupied in shopping with the bride. They keep the relatives animated in singing and dancing during the mehndi and sangeet night. In anticipation of sangeet, they start short-listing the wedding songs for their performances, which is the main event on engagement after the performance by the bride and groom.They are like, yes, we are really excited for dancing and singing at the marriage. But they are equally excited in spending time with the bride and groom. They also plan a surprise party for the couple, which exclusively for all the friends and cousins, reserved for drinking and dancing. They invest their hearts into all the ideas. Godly friends and family are a blessing in disguise, more precious than anything.


the bride, get all serious as the wedding approaches. She is just nervous about adapting the new role in her life. Looking at her, all the close relatives, especially the parents start feeling little depressed, but as they know this how things are supposed to be. The wedding is just around the corner and it is time get serious with the wedding arrangements.


the most important emotion is gratitude, the feeling of thankfulness. Parents of bride, as well as the groom are thankful many things, allowing them to be conducive for all the blessings.

  1. Felicitation event: coming with a heading to describe this emotion was nearly impossible, but thanks to the lord again. The celebration generally commences with organizing a small event of close relatives and friends with focus on devotion. A night of learned priest accompanied with a choir dedicated towards reverence. This emotion marks the beginning of the celebration and is followed by another step.
  2. A religious publicly organized feast:the next step is in continuance with the above-mentioned step. The parents of the bride/groom wish thank the lord for their blessings.
  3. Being blessed with such beautiful children: the primary emotion is immense happiness with thankfulness for being blessed with such beautiful and sincere child. Parents are flooded with celebratory calls and messages from relatives and close acquaintances.
  4. Shopping and booking: these emotionsare lived and enjoyed by the entire family and is crucial for a successful wedding. The real hustle-bustle of the wedding comes into effect. The father of bride/groom gets involved in booking of the venues for wedding and other functions. This step also includes food tasting, which is directly related to emotions, both orally and verbally. Yes, marriages are mostly remembered for their food, decorations and arrangements. The importance of this emotion is highly valued as is it an adornment to the wedding.
  5. Choreography and pre-wedding shoot: the couple and close relatives of the couple get busy in preparing to add x-factor to the wedding night. Choreography goes on till eve of the important functions. The couple bonding reaches next level during this period, especially the pre-wedding shoot. They visit exquisite locations to full-fill the photoshoot. 
  6. Wedding and farewell: the wedding is the farewell eventfor both the bride and groom, as both going to be a part of new families. Yes, it is only the bride who joins the new family, but the groom is also involved with the matters of bride’s family. Wedding involves equal emotion on the bride and groom’sfamily.
  • Conclusion

There is no conclusion is this, as wedding is the accumulation of many emotions. The emotions however keep on changing with time, and change is the only constant. The bottom line reiterates the common saying, the bond of wedding lasts for seven births, and likewise the emotions also continue to flow throughout they are tied in the pious knot of husband and wife.

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